5 steps to include remote workers in corporate culture

Despite the high unemployment rate, businesses still cannot find necessary experts on local markets. A solution may be hiring employees working from a greater or lesser distance. You should, however, be able to integrate them into your team and corporate culture. Successful onboarding of remote workers cannot be based just on paper information. Mashable.com has summarized five tips on how to do it.

1. Bring the office to them

Remote workers cannot simply pick up and go to ask a question to an office next door. It is, therefore, up to you to give them a clear picture of how your office works. Meet with the team to know who is responsible for what. Pictures and organizational charts will help you.

2. Maintain personal contact

Each member of your team should be able to combine voices and faces of other members. Invite new employees who will work remotely to the company for the first week. If this is not possible, connect by videoconferences, applications for sharing desktops or learning management systems (LMS).

3. Teach work in successive steps

Split the technical aspects of work into smaller thematic blocks. Prepare a training plan togeher. Once you verify that the remote employee has mastered one block, proceed to the next block in which he will be able to build on already acquired knowledge and skills.

4. Evaluate the process of connecting remote workers

Each process should be regularly evaluated including onboarding. Only feedback can show you what works and what does not work.

5. Enhance the process of connecting remote workers

Bet not only on your instincts but also on feedback from your employees or colleagues in the field. Before implementing new technology to onboarding, however, test it first.


Article source Mashable - a digital media website
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