Work with your body language


Body language is more important than words. In order to make your body work for you, you can try one of the following tips:

  • Give your self more confidence through a position of strength. Either stand very openly, or sit while placing your hands behind your head and resting the feet on the desk. It has been proven that already after 2 minutes in this position, testosterone level increases and cortisol level, the stress hormone, drops.
  • If you want people to speak up, indicate clearly that you are actively listening. Nod and lean towards them. Showing that you are listening is as important as listening itself.
  • To promote cooperation and participation, remove all physical obstacles that are placed between you and your partner in negotiation. It can be a cup of coffee or a picture frame, whatever.
  • Create a connection by a handshake. Any touch may help, even tap on the shoulder. Firm grip will also foster a good impression of yourself. A study by theIncomeCenterfor Trade Show has shown that people remember you twice more if you shake their hand.
  • Smile stimulates a sense of comfort in you and in people around you. In addition, it usually leads to the same response, so there is a chain reaction of smiles and positive feelings.
  • By mirroring you show agreement and understanding. It is a mild imitation of nonverbal communication of your counterpart.
  • Use your hands to support the words. Not only will you add power to what you say, but hands will also stimulate your thinking.
  • To find out the truth, watch other people’s feet. People are more likely to manage their face and hands, but it is much harder with feet. For example, stepping from one foot on another indicates nervousness.
  • Quiet, calm voice adds authority. In addition, keep a constant tone and limit the rise in intonation at the end of sentences.
  • Crossed arms and legs limit your memory. So if you see that your audience have taken a defensive position, it makes no sense to continue until they open up again. You can suggest a coffee break.




Article source American Management Association - AMA official website
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