Choosing the best person to be in charge of marketing (2/2)

The previous article described the first traits to look for in a chief marketing officer. Now we will continue with this theme.



Markets change and some developments simply cannot be anticipated. Skilful CMOs are able to adjust their strategy even if a product upgrade is delayed for a few months. They embrace change, love the challenge it poses and keep a positive mindset. They can also switch target audiences if they have previously got it wrong.

What to ask:

  • Have you ever changed your basic strategy after learning some unexpected news about your market?

Emotional intelligence and management skills

Your CMO must be self-aware and also able to read the feelings of other people. You need a skilful mediator who knows how to defuse conflicts and put people at ease when the situation looks dire. This is according to an article on the INSEAD business school website.

CMOs also need to lead people from multiple disciplines, be it brand management, communications or user acquisition. Your CMO should be able to hire workers who are very well informed in their respective areas. But that’s not all: the CMO also needs to know how to retain such employees.

What to ask:

  • How did you solve a specific problem with someone on your team?
  • In what areas do you need to improve? What would others say is your strength?


You need someone with at least 10-15 years of professional experience, though not necessarily as a CMO. A high level of proficiency in one or more marketing areas is crucial, as also is a thorough understanding of how the different pieces fit together. Nor should your hire lack skills in diplomacy and collaboration.

What to ask:

  • Have you ever had to step in when your team wasn’t able to deliver some work?
  • When hiring people, what do you look for? Would you accept a high-achiever even if you know they would not be a good fit for the team?


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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Choosing the best person to be in charge of marketing (1/2)


Choosing the best person to be in charge of marketing (2/2)