Beware of becoming a workaholic: five tips on avoiding this

Our job to a large extent defines who we are. It is important we devote enough time to our work and have a good feeling from a job well done. On the other hand, it is not good if someone makes work the sole priority of their life and thus becomes an unhealthy workaholic. 


Workaholics spend too much time at work and are unable to relax. Then not only do these people themselves suffer but there is also a negative effect on their health, people around them and ultimately the quality of their work. Here are five tips on how to keep working zeal under control and avoid becoming a workaholic.

Stop having unrealistic goals

One of the main roots of workaholism are, according to, exaggerated goals that are a source of unending work and especially fatal frustration. Set realistic, partial goals that you really can achieve.

Go step by step

Nothing happens at once. If you start a business and imagine that everything will be solved within a month, this will again only lead to frustration. Advance step by step and set up short-term goals.

Focus primarily on what you are good at

If possible, try to minimise the kind work you do not enjoy. Not only will you then be less unhappy from work because you will be doing what you enjoy, but at the same time you will probably be good at it too.

Protect your health

Health is really the most important thing of all. Do not underestimate the burden you put on your body and mind, and do not expose yourself to long-term stress. Instead, develop healthy working habits.

Be grateful for what you have

Though a constant desire to move forward is a must of every success, it is also necessary to be grateful for what you have and stop chasing unrealistic dreams.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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