Build your own stellar personal brand in the field of marketing

What should be the integral parts of your branding efforts? You mustn’t ignore the following:


Stay authentic

Personal branding is not about creating someone else, a fake personality. No, it is about you being who you really are. So go and tell your story; describe what excites and inspires you.

Align your personal brand with the brand of your company

If you are an employee, then by building your personal brand you also help to build the company brand. Make sure that these two brands are aligned and not in opposition; otherwise, your personal brand could suffer.

Check to ensure you are not showing conflicting values. The one thing you don't want to do is confuse your audience. Look after your own brand but do not render it incompatible with the company brand. Try to make both brands reinforce each other. This is the advice offered by the website.

Focus on the audience

Know your audience so that you can create engaging content for them. Help them succeed in their roles, provide information and insight about the industry. Don’t sell, provide value. What you will gain in return is authority. And once you have achieved this, you will be able to make sales even without direct selling.

You still need offline engagement

This is still very much about your network. What is the most promising factor for long-term success? The answer is relationships, something which you must build. And here is the important part: there is still no better way to do this than occasionally replacing online interactions by offline conversations.

Organise your own marketing events, but also attend conferences and forums. You should be present at all relevant marketing events where your target customers are. Give speeches, discuss things and collaborate with people.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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