Four books that will change your perspective on what it means to be a leader

What does it mean to be an effective leader? How do you inspire, lead and motivate others? And how can you too become such a leader, given the rapid evolution of modern technology and changes taking place both in society and in the understanding of a manager's role? If you are interested in these questions (and more), in management, and in what it means to be a leader today, here are four books you will find interesting.


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Deep Work (Cal Newport)

Cal Newport has done what few people ever could: invented and defined a new concept that has become universally acknowledged and used, one with which most people are familiar with today. His now classic book discusses the concept of deep work, namely focused and effective effort, so brilliantly and practically that his insights should be familiar to anyone who wants to lead others and is interested in work productivity.

Shoe Dog (Phil Knight)

Sometimes the best way to learn is to take inspiration from great people. That is the case with this book, which charts the rise of Nike and its transformation in the digital age. Its author, Phil Knight, co-founded the company and shows how it went from being a small organisation to a multi-billion dollar international business with worldwide sales.

The Lean Startup (Eris Ries)

This title is a kind of cookbook for managers and people who are initiating their own start-up. It deals with productivity, experimentation, motivation and internal communication within a team and company, using plenty of real-life examples to show how things should and should not be done.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Sean Covey)

Author Sean Covey is known for his "7 Habits ..." series, in which he replaces the three dots with different groups of people. His 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a truly insightful look into what long-term successful people do differently, and what skills and habits got them to where they are now.


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