Save up to five hours a week with these four tricks

Time management is an issue in itself. Many people would like to have more time for their work. In fact, much in this respect can be achieved through restructuring and organisation of time, as well as a change in attitude towards problem solving. Here are four simple tricks that can help you save up to five hours every week.


Reserve time just for your own work

According to, much of our work is postponed due to unexpected duties that are often rooted in third parties. You have to provide something, reply to something or inspect something. But if you had more time for your own work and reflecting on how to perform it efficiently, you would need to spend less time on everyday routine tasks. So reserve a certain time every day only for your own work. This time will be sacred and nothing will interfere with it.

Make your everyday tasks automatic

Mundane tasks occupy most of our work time. So find a way to automate such routine work. It depends on the sector you are engaged in and your precise job description but there is definitely always some room for automation.

Work on prevention

Much time is wasted on solving acute problems and emergency situations. But finding ad hoc solutions demands a lot of time, energy and concentration. Therefore, try to work regularly on preventing such situations in the first place. Your work will thus be more organised, there will be fewer emergency situations and no need to adjust to unexpected critical situations.

Make a clear division of roles

Within your team or company, it is crucial that everybody does what is expected of them. It is also important to know exactly who is responsible for what, so as not to waste time if and when an unexpected situation occurs. Clear division of roles and effective communication are essential for effective work.



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