Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Business online: Responsive website design

For a website to be considered responsive, it must look and work the same across all screens.…

Why startups fail: Marketing is getting it wrong (2/2)

The previous article explained why marketers should become more involved in product development. Now…

Why startups fail: Marketing is getting it wrong (1/2)

Poor application of the obligatory four Ps is often lethal for a startup. Let’s see how things…

How to start YouTube influencer marketing

YouTube marketing with influencers is currently booming. However, it is still a young industry and…

Cloud computing? It's here to stay

The Internet of Things will be replaced by Internet of Everything, in which humans will be…

Škoda Auto launches the first e-shop with cars in Europe

Škoda Auto has just launched the first e-shop in Europe selling cars via operational leasing. By…

China in 2018 (2/2): New policies

In the previous article, we saw what to expect in major industries in China. The development of…

The perfect brand: Adapting to customers

Brand loyalty is becoming obsolete, so you need to keep evolving if you want to keep your customers.…

Blockchain: Disruptive technology

What is blockchain? This piece of technology was first described in a paper published in 2009. It is…

Listing 37 to 45 out of 74