Do you want to make your employees as happy as possible? Then avoid these mistakes

Employee performance depends largely on how happy people are at work. And to a great extent their happiness depends on the way their manager treats them. Showing subordinates you do not respect them might lead to their becoming frustrated. So what mistakes should you avoid?


Here are five mistakes to avoid as a manager, according to Forbes.

Checking every move employees make

Every worker should have a certain amount of autonomy. If you are constantly breathing down subordinates' necks, they will soon become frustrated. Micromanaging is never a good strategy in the long run.

Frequent change of tasks and assignments 

Frequently changing the requirements of what a subordinate is supposed to do is a sign the manager does not appreciate the effort the employee puts into completing the tasks. When delegating work, try, if possible, to convey all the information first time in a meaningful way.

Giving workers trivial and tedious work

A clear sign of a lack of respect is reluctance to give subordinates more complex tasks and instead occupy them with trivial and tedious work. If you know an employee wants to develop and grow, gradually assign them more complex projects - but always proportionate to their preferences and skills.

Not holding any strategy meetings

A lack of meetings to discuss strategic plans for the future and come up with new visions is also a big mistake. Therefore, remember to have performance review meetings with subordinates.

Not listening to subordinates

A leader's not listening to the opinions and insights of a subordinate always brings a lot of misunderstandings and frustration on the part of regular team members.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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