Five reasons why a manager needs healthy self-confidence

A person who has no confidence in themselves and no faith in their skills and abilities can never be a good manager. The good news, however, is that you can to some extent learn how to have a healthy self-confidence. Why is it necessary for a person who wants to lead others to have a sufficiently high, though still healthy, level of self-esteem?


This text is based on an article on the Time Management Ninja website.

Ability to sell oneself and become a manager

The first reason is the need to pass the selection process for a managerial position at all. Someone who wants to become a team leader must be able to sell themselves. If you do not have sufficient self-confidence and cannot adequately present your strengths to those around you, you may unfortunately fail to fulfil your career potential.

Ability to enthuse the team for a vision

One of a manager's key tasks is to offer a shared vision to their team and enthuse subordinates for it. You cannot succeed in this if you are unable to present your vision with sufficient conviction and confidence.

Identifying opportunities and using them

Someone who lacks self-confidence often fails to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. They always doubt whether they are good enough and have so little faith in their own skills that they prefer not to take any major action. Such behaviour at team level is a major problem not only for the manager themselves but also for their subordinates.

Innovation and creativity

In order to keep moving forward, the manager and the team must have a positive attitude to change and be innovative and creative. All these qualities are linked to a certain level of self-confidence; a person who is constantly in doubt usually prefers to stay in the status quo.

Creating a safe and comfortable environment for subordinates

A team leader has to exude a certain confidence. They need to be a support for their subordinates, especially in critical situations, and team members must see that their manager, who is at the helm, is leading them with confidence and assurance. So if you lack confidence, it will affect the mental state and confidence of your subordinates.



Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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