5+1 steps to promotion

Would you like to be promoted? Then go and talk to your superiors. It often happens that employees know there is a higher position available in their company but they do not apply for it. Low self-esteem is often the reason and women, for example, may feel they do not have any chance to succeed. Before applying for a higher position or telling your boss that you are thinking about advancing your career, you should prove that you deserve the promotion. Careerealism.com recommends the following steps.

Do more than you have to

Given the fact that many people were dismissed and many projects ceased in recent years, there are probably activities in your surroundings that nobody focuses on. Try to be proactive and ask your boss and colleagues how you could help them. You can directly offer your own suggestions for improvement. At the same time, however, make sure you fulfil your basic duties.

Choose the intrapreneurial approach

Employees who are able to think like entrepreneurs can help their employers a great deal. Prove your leadership skills by being more innovative, flexible and willing to work on your own success.

Become a master of networking

Start noticing the people around you. Build relationships with influential people in your team and department as well as across the whole company. Begin by setting aside some time to get to know your colleagues better. Try to find out what they enjoy in their work and what they are planning for the future. Search for common themes.

Learn to think in the long term

Employees seeking promotion to a managerial position must see beyond their own tasks. They must also want to know how their work fits into the broader context of the company's business, which means knowing and understanding the objectives of both your department and also the entire company for the coming years. Communicate with your direct manager to ensure you understand everything correctly and look for ways to contribute personally to further success.

Do not succumb to negativity

Many workplaces are full of negatively minded people. To be promoted, however, you must learn to see opportunities and stop complaining about obstacles. Negative people can spoil the mood of everybody around them. So be optimistic instead and look for ways to inspire others.


Article source Careerealism.com - career and job search blog
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