No news is good news?


A manager needs to be informed. A closed door and the assumption that everything is great is not a valid option. When there is no bad news, here is the news: you may be facing a communication problem. Perhaps someone tried to point out an issue and you labeled him as a complainer. If that is the case, then it is no wonder that you are not adequately informed about possible pain points. Your employees may feel that they should do their jobs and keep their mouths shut. Obviously, this is not a healthy attitude.

Here are some things you may not be hearing from your subordinates if there is no trust and no open two-way communication. These are the things that are going on that you really need to hear about. The website selected them for us.

1. I am looking for a new job.
You should have known before they decided to leave. How can you keep the best employees and top talents? You have to try to uncover every reason for their dissatisfaction, before it is too late.

2. I would be able to do much more work. Most people, when not fully occupied with their workload, will find their own things to do to fill their spare time. It is the manager's job to keep his subordinates challenged, productive and value-adding.

3. You should improve your skills. It is important to know what your weaknesses and blind spots are. It is not easy for your subordinates to tell you. Ask for feedback and response in a way that is not defensive, but constructive.

4. There is a problem with our teammate and you do not care. It is not easy to point the finger at a member of the team. The manager should know who is causing trouble and who is working hard.

5. I don’t really like you. As a manager you do not really need to be liked – you need to be respected. Your objective is not to be loved by everyone.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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