A Little Bit of Positive Feedback Revision


Is it really so easy to praise people for their good work as everybody says? Why is it then not used in everyday practice? The fact is that there are many managers who do not know the right way of giving positive feedback. Moreover, they often think that the employees can automatically recognise when they do a good job and, therefore, do not need to be told. Despite the fact that all managers receive training in communication and feedback, they frequently settle the whole matter by telling their subordinates at best: “Good work. Thanks.” And this is not enough. Let’s remember that feedback needs to be prompt and specific. The following revision of how to give a positive feedback was published by the server US News.

1. Praise specific behaviour

Address the employee by his name and describe the particular activity for which you want to thank him. The more specific you will be the better.

2. Do not concentrate your gratitude only on results, reflect also the effort

It is perfect if you can praise your employees for tangible results. However, do not underestimate their effort either and appreciate the kind of behaviour you want to see even in the future.

3. Praise the impact of the particular behaviour on you or your company

Concentrate on particular individual contributions of the praised behaviour. Mention how much the employee in question made your work easier and state clearly that you want him to behave this way in the future.

4. Provide the feedback as promptly as possible

There is no reason to wait. The longer you delay the feedback the more your employees will think that you overlook their effort. However, be careful not to express gratitude too often. Not only is too frequent positive feedback is suspicious, it also quickly loses its impact.

5. Do your best to appreciate work of all your employees

Do not select any favourite employees. Try to encourage everybody. You do not have to praise only your subordinates. You can aim your positive feedback also at your colleagues and superiors. If it is sincere it will be also accepted with sincerity.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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