To manage projects, you must also manage your boss


To succeed in project management, you have to be able to manage your boss, too. It means learning to perceive the context through his eyes and seek benefits for both of you. Otherwise, you risk unnecessary misunderstandings, frustrations and loss of time on both the sides. How, then, to manage up?

Understand the attitudes and priorities of your boss

Look at your business from his perspective and realize what is important for him. Meetings with you may not be his top priority but if he once makes the time for you, come on time and well prepared.

Find his strengths and weaknesses

Once you know what is not your boss' strength, you can offer your help in this area and strengthen your relationship. Inquire also feedback on the work you are doing for him and improvement options.

Find out what kind of work your boss prefers

Some bosses are very flexible and informal, others require formal conduct and great control over projects. Adjust your working style accordingly. Help your boss to look good because you are able to meet deadlines, provide quality work, do not exceed budgets and solve problems quickly.

Retain loyalty and credibility

Do not exceed your boss, follow his leadership and example. It does not mean that you cannot discuss with him or ask for further clarification of some information, but it means to remain loyal. The only exceptions are cases when something illegal happens.

Learn to collaborate

Your boss controls your future career, so it makes sense for you to learn how to manage him so that it is beneficial for both of you. Talk to him about what you want to achieve and ask for help how to do it.


Article source Project Smart - British website focused on project management
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