How to behave on LinkedIn


The LinkedIn professional social network is an ideal place to build your personal brand and contacts in your field. However, if you do not want to unnecessarily damage your brand, stick to the following rules how to behave on LinkedIn. Ten basic rules were published on the website.

1. Use a professional photo

Let the image from the beach in your private photo album and resist the urge to put a photo of your dog or car on the professional network. No other than a professional photo is appropriate.

2. Connect the only with people you know

Connecting with hundreds of strangers will not help you, the quality of your contacts is much more important.

3. Keep the information in your profile up to date

Regularly publish your new experience, knowledge and findings. Otherwise, others will forget about you.

4. Get rid of the contacts overwhelming you by spam

If someone constantly sends you unsolicited ads and commercial offers via LinkedIn, ask him to stop. Otherwise, delete such contacts.

5. Carefully write the Summary of your profile

The Summary should be as specific as possible and also attract visitors to read your entire profile. Have it show your enthusiasm for what you are doing.

6. Do not confuse LinkedIn with Facebook and Twitter

LinkedIn is a professional network and therefore it should not be used for spreading personal information. If you want to share your family or other private experience, use Facebook or Twitter. Even in such a case, however, pay attention to the impact it could have on your personal brand in the online world.

7. Do not integrate your profiles on LinkedIn and Twitter

While LinkedIn offers this functionality, consider carefully whether your contacts on LinkedIn might be interested in the same things as your contacts on Twitter. If you publish your current observations on Twitter several times a day, it will probably not be desirable to automatically transmit them on LinkedIn.

8. Do not delete requests for connection

If a stranger asks you to connect, do not delete the request right away but keep it in your archive. You can build on it in the future.

9. Do not ask all your contacts for Recommendations

You should address only the people your really know and even better your best customers.

10. Check your spelling and grammar

Your profile on LinkedIn is in fact your resume and you would certainly not submit a CV with errors.


Article source Social Media Today - a U.S. website focused on social media
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