What are the most common mistakes when giving presentations?


1. You do not let others help you

If you have problems with any of the following points, let experts to help you.

2. You do not rehearse the presentation

Do not think it is unnecessary. Always try your speech - loud and ideally even in front of a group of spectators.

3. You create unhelpful visuals

Never show slides or flip charts full of text. The purpose of a picture is to show something that you cannot say with words.

4. You read

The presentation should never be read unless you speak to an audience that cannot read.

5. You appologize

Any speaker should not bring his audience into embarrassment by drawing attention to something that no one noticed. For example, nobody knows what order of slides you had prepared, so do not draw attention to anything you swapped.

6. You say everything

Just because you are an expert at something does not mean that you have to talk about everything you know. Five main points are the maximum.

7. You talk too long

Never talk longer than a pre-determined schedule states.

8. You ignore preparation

You should not perfom any presentation without preparation. At least, it is an evidence of your disrespect to the audience.

9. You do not make yourself familiar with the space

Always arrive to the place of your presentation at least 30 minutes early, ideally a day earlier.

10. You think that you have to be funny

A good speaker does not have to be funny, he must be himself.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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