Use negative feedback as a career advantage


Receiving negative feedback is challenging no matter how far we have progressed in our careers. The only way to learn to work with it effectively is to accept criticism as an inevitable part of our career - not a personal attack - and not to avoid it. Although it may not be evident at first sight, criticism is one of the keys to a successful career. 8 practical tips on how to use negative feedback as a career advantage were described on

1. Accept criticism and make changes

Try to write down what you have been criticized on. Then write down to each item what solution you propose. It will remind you what you have already improved in and what else you can improve in.

2. Don't assume bad intentions

Realize that negative feedback evaluates your work, not yourself as a person. The person who passes it to you  want to do you good.

3. Use criticism to clarify the expectations and goals related to your job

You may not completely understand what is expected of you. Thanks to the negative feedback, you have an opportunity to fix it.

4. Take criticism as an opportunity to strengthen your relations with superiors

Your boss is paid to help you improve. Feel free to schedule regular meetings with him to discuss your work and goals.

5. Take criticism as an opportunity to find a mentor

When a negative feedback helps you to realize that you need help, you can also strengthen your relationships with colleagues.

6. Think more about yourself

Criticism will open you the door to self-reflection. Think about where are all your reserves and how you can improve.

7. Show that you are able to change and grow

Negative feedback will give you the opportunity to show your superiors that you are a mature person, you know how to cooperate, to adapt and your are not afraid of change. Don't discuss whether your boss criticizes you rightly, show that you are interested in solving problems.

8. Remember that constructive feedback always offers help

Whether it is positive or negative, give thanks for the feedback. If the people around you remained silent, it would be worse.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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