Three non-traditional ways to boost an employee's confidence

In order for employees to give the best possible performance and fully exploit their potential, they need to have not only adequate knowledge and skills but also sufficient self-esteem. Even the best skills will not ensure good performance if the employee does not have faith in their own skills. If you think one of your employees could use a bit of a confidence boost, here are three non-traditional ways to achieve it.


Ask them for advice

According to TED Ideas, the simplest and most effective way to boost an employee's confidence is to ask them for advice. This shows them you cherish their opinions and experience and genuinely respect their knowledge. Generally speaking, the more you include the employee in decision making processes and the more you listen to them, the greater their confidence will be.

Praise the employee publicly

No matter what anyone says, we are all a little egoistic. And when our boss praises us publicly for our work, it is hard not to feel a sense of bliss. Such a scenario is certain to increase an employee's confidence because thanks to public praise their colleagues too will respect their skills more.

Give the employee more power

It is hardly possible to boost someone's confidence without giving them some space for their own decision making and independent work. To enable the employee fully to exploit their working potential, you must give them sufficient authority and space for their own initiative and creativity. The employee will then know you genuinely trust them and are not just saying you do for the sake of it.



Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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