Test: Are you a problematic employee?

Nobody is successful at work only because of knowledge and skills. Relationships with colleagues also play an important role, as do your superiors' opinions of you. If those around you think you are hard to get along with, they will soon not want to work with you.

The problem is that we often don't realise how others perceive us at work. So try a little test with us, based on recommendations by Alison Green, author of popular management tips on the US News website. The more times you answer "no" to the following statements, the less problematic you are in the eyes of your colleagues.

You are the problem if you ...

1. You see your superiors as your enemies and enemies of all employees.

2. At least once a month you refuse to help others, saying "It's not in my job description."

3. You perceive requests from managers only as suggestions of what you might do. If you don't agree with them, you ignore them.

4. You can't find any former manager who would provide a positive reference for your next superiors.

5. You apologise for your actions more often than you ask your superiors in advance for permission to carry out these actions.

6. Instead of looking for ways to do something, you often look for reasons why it's impossible to do it.

7. You are always negative. You like neither your job nor employer.

8. You hated all your previous superiors.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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