Six everyday habits that will immediately increase your productivity

Would you like to be more productive? Do you feel like you are not getting anything done, that you are not a good time manager or that you sometimes lack energy? This article will describe six daily habits that will immediately help you improve your productivity.


This list of productivity-boosting habits was published in an article on

A fixed morning routine

The way you start your day largely influences how the whole day will turn out afterwards. Establish a solid morning routine within which you get up at the same time each morning and do the same things, so that you have to make as few decisions as possible.

Keep yourself hydrated

In order to be productive, you must stay hydrated. When dehydrated, you find it hard to think, lose energy and, most importantly, set yourself up for potentially serious health complications.

Using an activity planner app

You cannot be productive if you do not have a plan for the day, or if you have no way to monitor and check off your planned activities. You can use just a simple mobile app where you have a to-do list for each day.

Physical activity

A healthy mind in a healthy body. This motto remains true even today, when many people lack physical activity in their lives. Try to take at least a short walk, jog, stretch or exercise every day.

Connecting with nature

The human mind suffers when it is disconnected from nature for a long period of time. Try to connect with nature as much as possible, even if this only means getting off the bus one stop early on your way to the office in the morning and walking to work through a city park.

Using a desk where you can stand

You should try to vary the stance and positions you adopt while working. If you work in an office or at home on a computer, consider investing in an adjustable desk at which you can also stand.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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