Seven signs that you are not a good manager

Despite the saying that some people are born leaders, most of the traits of a good leader are not innate but learned. A good manager must be an excellent communicator, use time efficiently and enthuse people for a common vision. Unfortunately, many of those in management positions lack these characteristics. This article will describe seven signs of poor leadership. And if you think some of these points apply to you, you should do something about it.


This list was published by the Management Issues website.

You never have time

A common bad habit is having no time. This means people cannot get hold of you, you have no time for one-on-ones and you cancel most meetings at the last minute. But time management is crucial to successful leadership and time with subordinates should always have the highest priority.

You are not fair

Are you treating everybody the same? Or maybe you have a favourite team member with a personality similar to your own whom you treat better than the others? Employees are very sensitive to injustice and they can always detect it, so you really do need to be careful.

You are unable to admit to a mistake

Inability to admit to a mistake and blaming others for your own faults is a bad enough trait in anybody. But in a team leader it is fatal. Show a certain level of self-reflection and take responsibility for your actions.

You have visions but are unable to make them happen

Are you the perpetual visionary? Someone with a lot of new ideas but unable to realise them? Then your team members will soon cease to believe in your visions and their work efficiency will significantly drop.

You are interested only in good relations with company management

Obviously a leader must have good relations not only with their team but also with people on the same level and with company management. But you shouldn't overdo it. If you spend time working only on your own career but have no time to develop your subordinates, this will soon show in a negative way.

You are not a member of the team

A good leader is not someone above the team, but rather within the team. Do not look down on others and listen to the genuine problems of your team members.

You do not like to deal with unpleasant topics

Nobody likes to deal with unpleasant topics. However, if you ignore a problem, in the long run it will not disappear but only become worse with time. You must know how to face problems and deal with unpleasant situations in a fair and transparent way.



Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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