No place for egos in a team


Do you want to improve the way people in your team work together and for them to achieve better results? Then follow these principles which have been suggested by the server and which will help your team to overcome even the biggest obstacles. However, it also pointed out that these are not work habits that can happen automatically. As the team leader you should actively create an everyday culture based on these principles and constantly help your people to shine. The seven principles for an excellent team are:

1. A strong leader

No matter where your team members come from they need a strong leader whom they can trust and who will bear responsibility for their joint work.

2. Goals that can be measured

Each member of the team must know precisely what the team has to achieve. And he can know this precisely only if the team has goals that can be measured objectively.

3. Individual roles

Each team member must also know precisely what he himself has to do every day to make sure that the team achieves its goals.

4. Shared resources

Team members must be willing to share both the physical and intellectual resources that they require in order to fulfil the team’s objectives.

5. Effective communication

The team should meet regularly and talk about how it is going to achieve its goals. Everyone should know what it is going on in the team and what is expected of them before the next meeting.

6. Absolute dedication

The team should be ready to do everything that is necessary in order to achieve its objectives. However, this does not mean that people should completely sacrifice their private life to their work. It is important to find a balance.

7. No big egos

Strong egos have no place in a team. If the team is to work, its leader must teach its members that the team and the common goals are more important than individuals.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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