Keep a positive approach to work


You are overwhelmed by not very inspiring work and your boss is not exactly the type of supervisor who would constantly pat you on the back and repeat how great you are. Every morning, before going to work, you feel stressed about how to handle all your responsibilities. If this situation sounds familiar to you, you should know that you can change it into a much more enjoyable experience. Try the following little exercise in positive thinking and behaviour, which appeared on

Learn and teach

Consider your work tasks opportunities to learn new things. If you can't find further inspiration in your work, try to look around and learn from your colleagues and bosses. You can also offer to teach them something you are good at. It may save you a lot of work in the future.

Take a break

You surely know very well that it is impossible to work for eight hours without a break. Take regular small breaks every two or three hours. Get up, stretch yourself and breathe in some fresh air.

Do not bring your work home

Either on your computer or in your head. Leaving your work at work is challenging but it is worth it. Try to spend your free time with your family or hobbies so that you can relax and look forward to the next working day.

Get to know your colleagues

If you know each other better, you will work together better. A friendly atmosphere at work is always better than unduly creating more stress through bad relationships. Go for a drink or dinner together after work. There are plenty of things you can do.

Find your own project

Do not wait until you are assigned a project you will not like. Try to come up with your own idea and show that you do not mind a little extra work.

Liven up your routine work

If coming up with your own project is not possible, never mind. Instead, find a new approach to old tasks. Use your imagination and create new ways to do your job.

Do not perceive mistakes as a tragedy

After all, nobody is perfect. The important point about mistakes is to learn from them and move on. The sooner you correct a mistake, the sooner it will be forgotten. Do not forget to reward yourself for your achievements.

Search for positive people

Try to avoid co-workers who spread negative energy around themselves. If you have to work with such people, try to influence them by your positive approach to work. Start, for example, by smiling more often: it's simple and will brighten up the day for yourself and others.


Article source Lifehack - tips to help improve all aspects of your life
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