How to offer your boss criticism - properly


Speaking to your boss about how he ruined a meeting with a client or how he should try to improve his style of communication is no simple matter. It is not, however, an impossible task; neither is it entirely impossible that your boss will thank you and take your feedback to heart. If you learn how to properly provide your boss with feedback, it will help you both. So how do you go about it?

First of all, think about what your boss is like. If he is a typical dictator, it could be that any attempt at criticism, albeit constructive, could harm you. In all other cases following the steps described below.

Build trust in your relationship with each other

If your boss does not trust you long-term, it is unlikely he will listen to your advice.

Go about it diplomatically

First of all, ask whether you can share your feedback with him. You could ask, for example: “Could I have a word about something I noticed during the work on our project?" If your boss agrees, do not be aggressive in expressing your feelings; for example, “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I got the feeling that ...”

Concentrate on goals

Your feedback should help you boss better achieve his goals. So emphasise how you think he might do so. Don’t play the know-it-all, the person whose advice the boss should listen to regardless of his goals. Do not assume that you know all aspects that play a part in his behaviour and decision-making.

Privacy is important

Do not offer your boss critical feedback in front of anyone else. The exception to this, of course, is when he asks for it himself, perhaps at a meeting. Find an appropriate time for a private discussion and say what you want to say on your own behalf.


Article source QuickBase Blog - The Fast Track - management blog
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