How to get more things done?


Many people already had a problem with procrastination in the past, but it is even more difficult in today’s times of the Internet and social networks. So how can you win the battle against procrastination and get more things done than usual? Stick to the same rules that applied even before the Internet came along.

Don’t try to be perfect

If you insist that all details of everything you do have to be perfect, you’ll never get things done, at least not on time. It’s better to stick to the 80/20 rule: get 80% of your results on 20% of your effort. The remaining 20% of results, which you spend 80% of your effort on, are insignificant.

Set your own deadlines

Most people know very well that they work fastest when a deadline approaches. That’s why you should split large tasks into smaller parts that you can handle easier. Then set your own deadlines for these tasks.

Stick to your natural rhythm

Do the high-priority tasks at the time of day when you have the most energy and strength. This doesn’t necessarily have to be Monday morning right upon arrival to the office for everyone. When you’re stuck, change your environment for a while. Go to a café, for example.

Do a time audit

If you want to see clearly how you spend your working hours, write down everything that you do and how long it takes you. When you see it black on white, your reserves will be much clearer to you right away.


Article source Mashable - a digital media website
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