Five tips on winning over a team as their new manager

Becoming the manager of an existing, established team is not easy. The team already has its processes set up, and in some ways you cannot avoid being compared with their previous manager. But it is also an exciting opportunity that allows you to bring new viewpoints to the team, providing you start off on the right foot and establish good relations from the very outset. Therefore, this article will look at how to gain favour with the team you are taking over.


These tips were published by The Muse.

Praise what the team has achieved

Everyone likes praise, especially if they know they deserve it. Find out what the team is good at and what results they have achieved in the recent past, then praise the team members for this work. Thus, you will immediately gain their favour.

Embrace the culture of the team

Yes, as a new manager it is your job to introduce new perspectives. But in order to do that, you first need to embrace the established culture of the given team and become an insider of the group.

Be a genuinely full-value team member

Do not try to stand above the team. You can only establish effective cooperation with subordinates if you become a full-value member of the team and do not look down on them.

Be active in getting to know your new subordinates

Do not expect relationships with subordinates suddenly to develop by themselves or that they will be the ones initiating the connection. Be active, talk to subordinates, and try to get to know them on a personal, individual level.

Set up clear priorities for your team

No team can prosper without clearly defined priorities and values. Define the motto of your team and introduce a plan concerning what you will focus on as a group and what your key targets are.


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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