Exceptional bosses care about their people


A good boss is a good organizer, he knows how to make decisions and how to get important things done. An exceptional boss, however, cares also about his people and devotes a sufficient amount of his time and energy to them. What exactly should you do so that your people could see you as an exceptional boss? Jeff Haden, popular author management tips on Inc.com, published ten answers to this question. Try to count how many of the following things you provide to your subordinates.

1. Independence

Even in manufacturing companies where exact work processes must be followed, there are ways to let your employees work without your continuous supervision. Let your people work independently whenever possible.

2. Clear objectives

Even when your people should work independently, they need to know clearly what you expect from them. If you are going to change your expectations regarding the performance of a particular task, your people should be made aware of it in advance. Explain them why the changes occur.

3. Purpose

If your people can see a purpose in what they are doing, they will better handle even repetitive tasks. A work without a meaningful goal is only a work and nobody likes just working.

4. Chance to take part in something bigger

Give your people the chance to become part of the team and to bring real value to your customers. It sounds like a cliché but every manager should find his own way to show his people the deeper sense of their efforts.

5. Opportunity to contribute

Your people should be allowed to come up with their own ideas and solutions. Welcome any feedback.

6. Respect

Your people do not work just for money. They want to work for people they respect and admire and who also respect and admire them. Your relationships should not be only strictly professional.

7. Consistency

Managers do not have to treat all their subordinate in the same way. The same approach often does not work. They must, however, be careful to treat all their people fairly.

8. Criticizing in private

A good boss does not avoid feedback even if it is negative. Your people should know is that you will criticize them, but also that you will always do it in private.

9. Praise in public

Expressing praise for a good job costs you nothing and it will motivate your people a lot. Always praise in public.

10. Future

A good boss is trying to teach his people things they may apply in their future career although they will one day leave for another company.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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