Biggest mistakes in time management


The most common mistake of time management lies in strict adherence to the to do lists. It sounds paradoxical, but it's true, writes. In attempt to maximize the effectiveness of the management of their time, many people record all their tasks, but do not determine priorities. Effective daily task list can contain a maximum of six to eight items. At the end of each day, we should upgrade it to the needs of the following day. it is laso important to work on only one task at a time.

Other typical errors in time management include:

Constantly checking e-mail

How many times have you heard this advice? So, start to follow it finally and turn off your e-mail. Plan the time to check e-mail and for the rest of the day pay full attention to your tasks. Turn off all incoming messages alerts, too.


For each task requiring increased concentration set aside a time block of 50 minutes to two hours and do not let anyone including yourself to distract you. Only when you finish one task move on to another.

Disturbing environment

Other people, phone calls and noise around you, all that prevent you from focusing adequately. You cannot handle demanding tasks in such an environment, so go elsewhere if you can.

Bad start of a day

Office workers usually start the day by checking e-mail. This can, however, last longer than needed. Thus, stick to the rule to start the day with the most important task from your list.

Accumulating e-mails

Process each e-mail as soon as you read it. Either answer it, delete it, delegate it or archive it for future processing. Do not accumulate messages in your inbox.


Article source Time Management Tips - Free Time Management Strategies and Techniques
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