Are you a weak leader?


Being a weak leader is even worse than working for a weak leader. But how can you recognize that your are a weak leader? In its recent article business server pointed out four basic manifestations of weak leaders. So try to think whether this is your case or not.

You believe you know everything

A weak leader can talk about his or her business for hours or even days. Doing that he/she does not need to ask anyone about anything and he does not need to look for any new information. On the other hand, an effective leader is interested about the opinions of others, builds strong teams and is proud that he/she can rely on them.

You are constantly busy

The management of a company, a team or a project drives weak leaders to the brink of exhaustion. Strong leaders are aware of the importance of having time for strategic thinking and do not defer it just because of their daily routine duties.

You have primarily negative attitude towards people

A strong leader focuses on the achievements and potential of their people, rather than on their mistakes. His/her mood does not oscillate between being slightly annoyed and utterly disgusted.

Always act as a boss

A weak leader has the need to constantly demonstrate his/her leadership to people around him. He must always be at the head of the table, although in many situations it would be more effective to act as one of the team members.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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