Are you a responsible leader?


Tim Richardson, a successful consultant in the field of leadership development, claims responsible leaders have certain distinctive characteristics. His book The Responsible Leader provides an overview of the essence of being a responsible leader. The website introduced the main points.

Focus on relationships

Many workers believe leaders are defined by their being independent. In fact, the exact opposite is true: leaders are interdependent with other people because responsible leaders always view their role in relation to other employees. The perspective of their success is interlinked with the success of their co-workers and subordinates. Responsible leaders are in the end stronger because of this mindset.

Sense of purpose and focused effort

They always know the answer to the question of why they are doing whatever they are doing. Their energy is always focused on what is really important. The key is to separate activities aimed at achieving visions and goals from all other things. The other things are distractions and should be avoided. Responsible leaders are guided by humility and awareness as well as wanting to achieve results and impact the situations they face for the greater good.

Willingness to learn

It is not a flexible approach if you listen only and exclusively to people who are similar to you. They filter the world in the same way as you do and therefore may miss the very same opportunities as you. It is better to be more inquisitive and less evaluative, to be open even to unlikely sources. Inner confidence is needed to be able to heed these different sources. Sober self-assessment is necessary if you are not to become egocentric. It is about behaviour: we must connect what we and what others are experiencing and let this synergy help us in our decision-making.


RICHARDSON, Tim: The Responsible Leader: Developing a Culture of Responsibility in an Uncertain World. London: Kogan Page Limited: 2015. 216. p.


Article source Leadership Now - web focuses on various aspects of leadership
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