A manager's time is precious; or How not to waste your time


Each manager knows how important it is to know how to set goals. If he wants to further develop his career, he looks for challenging goals that will force him to explore new opportunities, new ways of thinking, to learn new skills and meet new people. This is all important. On the other hand, managers should not waste time with objectives that can't be met. This interesting topic was recently covered on lifehack.org. The server advises to aim high, but to forget about the following unrealistic goals.

1. Do not try to please everyone

Pleasing everyone and always avoiding conflicts is really impossible. There is nothing wrong with it. Rather set a goal of being more open to the opinions of others and learning to resolve conflicts without too much stress.

2. Do not try to avoid failure

Everyone fails in something, sooner or later. It is inevitable. The art is not to avoid failures, but to learn from them.

3. Do not try to be perfect

As the classic saying goes, nobody is perfect. Mistakes are a necessary part of achieving better results. They make us stronger.

4. Do not try to be the best at everything

Trying to be the best at everything we do usually leads to mediocrity. Rather become a true expert in one area. Invest all your energy in what you are strongest in.

5. Do not try to do everything, accept help

Asking for help is often very difficult because it is perceived as a weakness. Work hard on being able to acknowledge reality and stop being afraid to reach out to others if you can't do something yourself. You can start with small everyday things.


Article source Lifehack - tips to help improve all aspects of your life
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