8 communication mistakes while working from home


More and more people work from home. However, many home workers grow professionally damaging bad habits. They think that no one can see them behind the door of their house and the screen of their computer. Whether you work from home all week and just occasionally, learn to maintain professionalism in communicating with others. Begin by realizing the most common communication mistakes we commit when we work from home. Read the following mistakes compiled by Forbes.com according to The Virtual Executive book by an American coach and writer Debra Benton.

You do not smile

Smile positively influences the tone of your voice. Therefore, you should use it in all phone calls and teleconferences. Even when writing emails, smiling help you choose the right words. In the case of videoconferences, smile is a matter of course.

You do not dress professionally

Professional appearance in your home office is as important as in any other office, especially if you expect an important call or videoconference. When you look good, you become more confident.

You have bad posture

Nonverbal communication is also the same in a home office as in all other offices. Bad posture indicates that you're bored and have a negative attitude to the issue being discussed. Get ready for every videoconference - you should know in advance how you look when sitting in front of the monitor.

You do not perceive what is around you

During a videoconference, a plant should not grow from your head, your underwear should not hang over your chair or an ashtray should not dominate your table. If you want to have a glass of water near you, choose really a glass, not a beer mug. If you have children, their toys should not be everywhere.

You express disagreement by e-mail

If you want to reject something, discuss it by phone. In general, follow the rule of addressing all the important things by phone at first.

You cannot write emails

You write too long or too short emails. Generally, each email should only deal with one thing and should have a clear subject. Do not send short messages in which you would write just "thanks", "good", etc. at all.

You have a noisy house

You might have already become accustomed to the barking dog, screaming children or lawnmower noise in your and do not perceive it. However, the people on the other side of the phone or videoconference perceive it very clearly.

You cannot shake hands virtually

When meeting face-to-face, we great each other, shake hands and ask what's new. That is how we express our interest and set the tone for friendly cooperation. Although it is impossible to shake hands virtually, the greeting and the brief discussion about something important for the person you speak with should not be missed.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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