7 tips on how to be more persuasive

The ability to persuade others is important not only for marketers and salespeople, it can be useful for anyone trying to achieve something. Whether you want to convince your boss to increase your salary or your child to eat the porridge, use  proven techniques of persuasion.

Social psychology defines persuasion as the ability to convince another person to internalize a particular argument and add a new attitude to his or her value system. We often persuade using rewards and punishments, positives or negatives. The About Psychology website, however, pointed out the following options.

1. Create new or remind of an existing need

Show others what they can do to be happier, more satisfied, richer, more successful ...

2. Emphasize social prestige

Offer others a chance to become more popular, win more respect or improve relationships with others.

3. Get your foot in the door

If you can make someone initially agree with a minor requirement, then he or she will be more willing to accept greater demands.

4. Try an unrealistic offer

The approach opposite to the "put your foot in the door" approach can work as well. Propose something unrealistic first, that the person can't accept. Then win support for a smaller demand.

5. Use reciprocity

Do something for others, and they will tend to help you too.

6. Give a limited offer

People are naturally more interested in things that are only available for a limited time or in limited quantities.

7. Learn from the examples around you

Use everyday opportunities to watch persuasion in practice. You can e.g. watch TV commercials for a ideas.


Article source About Psychology - one of the largest online publishers of expert-created content focused on psychology
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