5 signs of a comfortable and inspiring working environment

Surveys show that the quality of a working environment influences in a significant way the work performance and results of employees. This applies to both micro-climatic factors (pressure, humidity, light levels, etc.) and the overall atmosphere and attitude of managers.

In today's article, we will focus on the latter. When we set aside physical factors, what should the ideal working environment, in which employees reach their maximum goals, look like?


1. Appreciation of success

Certain forms of success are pre-defined: they are included in the job descriptions of individual workers and are automatically expected. Nevertheless, according to Forbes, it is necessary that managers explicitly show appreciation of the partial successes of individual employees. A complimentary word can sometimes have more impact than one might expect.

2. Accepting family life

Surveys show clearly that people who are able to balance their personal, family life with their work life are then more hard-working and more efficient in their job. Flexible working hours, or the possibility of staying at home with a sick child and not having to take a day's leave, is something that will pay off financially in the long run.

3. Sufficient authority

There is nothing more demotivating than feeling like a replaceable cog in a large machine without any autonomy. For your employees to be happy, positive and motivated, it is necessary that they have a certain authority to make decisions and the ability to decide for themselves about their work.

4. Positive motivation

Positive motivation always works better than the negative type. Try to make your employees work more not through fear but by means of positive emotions.

5. Clearly defined functions

It is beneficial to the working environment when individual people have their functions clearly defined. They must know their rights and obligations, as well as what to expect from others. Unclear roles of team members only add to an atmosphere of suspense and uncertainty.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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