10 tasks you should never postpone


It is often said that it's best to sleep on difficult tasks; however, other advice is "never put off until tomorrow what you can do today". So what to do immediately and what to postpone? Postponing the right things can substantially increase productivity; if, however, you postpone something just to avoid it, it will likely backfire on you one day and you will have more problems than if you had acted immediately. So let's clarify what should be done without delay. Ten tasks you should never put off were summed up on his popular blog by Craig Jarrow alias Time Management Ninja.

1. Tasks you might otherwise forget. Do not postpone anything you might forget about once it is out of sight.

2. Tasks that can be solved quickly. Everything that takes only a few minutes and would take you longer if you had to return to it later.

3. Security risks. Everything that could endanger yourself or anyone else.

4. Tasks to be fulfilled today. Focus on everything you have to finish today as soon as possible from the start of the day.

5. Unique opportunities. Do not postpone tasks only to lose an opportunity that does not come every day.

6. Promises. Everything you promise to others should have the highest priority. If you cannot meet your promises, rather do not promise anything.

7. Tasks that would become more difficult. Some unresolved tasks might create other obligations you will have to deal with at a later date.

8. Tasks you will never work on. If you know in advance that you will not engage in a task at all, do not postpone it. Reject it or delete from your list.

9. Tasks with an approaching deadline. Clear priorities.

10. Tasks with serious financial consequences. These include all the tasks for the non-completion of which you face a fine or other financial penalty.


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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