How to motivate and keep your Millennial employees


Generation Y, or the so-called Millennials, will form the bulk of the workforce as soon as in the year 2020, as the previous generation begins to retire. The Millenials, the generation born between 1980 and 2002, are a major challenge for engagement at work. Almost every company is going to feel the impact. How can companies better connect Millennials with other generations? The website offered four tips.

Offer direction and feedback

Help them to see where your industry is going, since as many as 95 % are more motivated when they know what the company's vision is. They require on-the-spot feedback, because regular reviews come too late for them.

Keep in mind they don’t mind changing jobs

Companies, particularly in technology are hiring the Millennials more and more often, gradually forming the majority of the workforce. Millennials are digital natives and change jobs quite often. Ninety-one percent don’t think they will be working in the same position three years from now. They prefer building their set of skills to keeping a job. The younger generation of workers is simply looking for regular change. As a result, companies must provide regular exposure to new opportunities and different tasks. Offer training and job rotations, that is key to keeping this group of workers interested in what they do.

Be open to new technologies

Devices, apps, and social networks are very important elements to almost any member of this generation. It is important not to ban social media, and tolerate their devices, for example by introducing the bring-your-own-device policy.

Offer flexibility

Millennials value their free time and often prefer flexible working time and extra vacation instead of pay increases. For many positions, it is possible to offer a rather flexible schedule, because it is important that the work gets done, not having to sit in an office. Programmers, sales representatives and financial managers are good examples of roles where some amount of flexibility is easy to offer.


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