Do not underestimate physical preparation for presentations


Before an important presentation, most people concentrate on what they will speak about and how to present in a convincing way. We memorise our speech, practise gestures, prepare charts and select appropriate clothes. However, when doing all this, we often neglect the very basis of a good preparation, which is the physical part. Laura Stack, productivity expert and author of successful books in this field, pointed out this fact in an interesting article on the Training Magazine website.

What should you bear in mind so as not to make a bad impression during your presentation?

Sufficient sleep

The evening before the presentation, go to bed on time. Do not watch TV at night and do not attend any parties. If you have problems falling asleep, take a hot bath and drink warm milk.

No alcohol

You should avoid alcohol not only on the day of the presentation but also the day before. You do not have to be drunk to make your body dehydrated by alcohol. A dry mouth will definitely not help you.

Beware of caffeine

Do not drink coffee in the evening so that you can sleep well. Before the presentation, limit caffeine intake to a minimum as it has both dehydrating and diuretic effects. Prefer only water or soft drinks without caffeine.

Beware of spicy and sweet food

Before giving the presentation, eat only something light and prefer fruit to a sweet dessert. Excessively spicy food or legumes can cause digestive problems, which you certainly do not want to experience on stage.  Sweet food can quickly boost your energy but you will lose the energy again very soon.

Move a bit

Take a walk or do some short exercises. It is a better stimulation for your body than caffeine. You will gain natural energy and feel better. You should, however, not move too much if you don't want to look like you have just finished running a marathon.

Visit the restroom

Before the presentation, always go to the restroom and make sure you are not already wearing a turned on microphone.


Article source Training Magazine - U.S. professional development magazine
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Do not underestimate physical preparation for presentations


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