Alpha types: A threat to team cohesion?

There are two types of competition: a productive one and one that is unproductive. The task for bosses and managers is to avoid the latter and seek the former. How to spur such constructive competition? If you fail, the overall productivity of your team will decline and the success of your business will be at stake. On the other hand, too much intra-office competition will result in not much work being done, according to

Root of the problem

Situations in which Alpha types are present can be tricky. As Alphas need constantly to reassure themselves that they are the best in the team, you will find the rest of your team shut down, trying solely to save face with their egos constantly under threat from their very competitive team-mates. So on the one hand there are those striving for competition and, on the other, those who are distracted by ongoing clashes. In this situation it is vital to develop cohesion, introducing an atmosphere of unity and common goals.


Talk to the Alphas. Admit they are outstanding performers but do not forget to add that they might be even better if they managed to focus their competitive nature outward, toward the industry, instead of racing their own team-mates. When you show them your recognition of their abilities, they will not feel under attack and there will be nothing to distract them from receiving your message: they are needed as a part of the team. And you should prevent the work environment from encouraging intra-office competition.

And what if you face a slightly different situation: to get two Alpha types to work together? Again, give them a common goal. It is that simple: the common goal, if properly set, will remove their rivalry. While working their way towards the goal, they will eventually understand that they need to cooperate because the ultimate objective is not for one to outperform the other but to deliver the best possible result.


Article source Expert Business Advice - universal resource center for entrepreneurs and businesses
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