High-risk group: Top management of large corporations

Beware of an "disease," which hit the top management of many large companies such as Kodak. The business sector or country of origin do not influence the risk factor. Early treatment is vital otherwise it may soon be too late. The main symptoms include:

  1. You stay away from ideas, which could bring new sources of income, because it might threaten the existing distribution channels. Revolutionary ideas often represent a high return, but they tend to be scary. 
  2. You are surrounded by people who constantly use phrases such as: "I have been in the business for over 20 years..." They tend to complain about the increasing number of young people who simply don't understand "their" business. In extreme cases, even customers-pioneers are accused of "destroying" their beloved industry. 
  3. You are still competing on price. You are no more the market leader. Margins are getting lower and the price is still pushed down. 

If you admit that you work in a company where this disease occurs, you have a chance to heal it. But beware that the initial stage of treatment may be very painful. However, you can save the company and plant seeds of innovation.




Article source Bloomberg Businessweek - U.S. business magazine and website
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