Five inspirational books for entrepreneurs and leaders

Summer is coming and that means holidays. Many people use this period of relative calm to do some reading. This year, how about putting aside light literature and crime novels and rather developing yourself or being inspired? Here is a list of five inspirational books that have been translated into Czech and offer much food for thought, especially to businesspeople, entrepreneurs and people in leadership roles.


This list was published by the TED Ideas website.

Angela Duckworth: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

This book, praised by both the public and critics, describes a path towards success. You will learn there are no shortcuts on the way to the top and that in order to be successful you need constantly to be stepping outside your comfort zone.

Malcolm Gladwell: Talking to Strangers

Gladwell uses a simple yet extremely entertaining narrative to show that the tools and strategies we use to communicate with other people are often wrong and therefore many conflicts and misunderstandings occur unnecessarily.

Tony Hsieh: Delivering Happiness

Another inspiring story, this time by someone who became a billionaire thanks to his start-up. The book describes what awaits us in the world of business and work in the future, and how you should adjust your entrepreneurship accordingly.

Ashlee Vance: Elon Musk

Regardless of your opinion of Elon Musk, one thing cannot be denied: he is a visionary who has enthused many people with his often crazy ideas and achieved many successes others can only dream of. This biography reads well and provides a substantial dose of motivation.

Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer: No Rules Rules

This is a world-wide bestseller written by the co-founder of Netflix who describes his approach in building one of the biggest and most ambitious brands in the world. The book will make you think and reassess your view of entrepreneurship.



Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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