Develop all your talents to give your company a boost

How often do you think about the hidden talent in your company? Maybe your strict organizational measurements haven’t identified them as top talents.


Top talents are needed if your organization is to undergo a transformation.

The journey towards transformation starts with culture

A growth mindset should be encouraged in every individual. For example, that's how Microsoft does it. Develop and build a growth mindset in your company, and make it an integral part of your company. Promote love of learning, openness, and hard work.

It's about how people cooperate and how they treat each other. When the culture is strong, people stay resilient in the face of rapid changes, according to an article by Center for Creative Leadership.

A growth mindset helps you to develop all talents

At Microsoft, the CEO and the senior leadership team meet to review employees to find their hidden talents. They discuss who to move up and across teams. They also create opportunities for talented people who aren't included in the traditional high talent program.

Google is now hiring more people without a college degree. Now it's enough that they prove that they're capable, independent learners. The assumption is that talent is not static and that you can succeed if you work hard and are open to learning.

The major shoe retailer Zappos agrees that a growth mindset and continued learning is what should define talent development. The company has a wish list for every single employee, where they write what they want to learn and what skills they want to develop. Everyone can read the lists.


Article source Center for Creative Leadership - CCL® website
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