Learn how to start a conversation with anyone you meet

Have you ever felt envious when observing how effortlessly some salespeople are able to interact with strangers? How come they are able to engage in a conversation equally well with people travelling on the same plane or standing in a queue at the supermarket?


Use the following tips to learn how to start a conversation with random people you meet, regardless of the circumstances. This will improve your confidence to network the next time you find yourself in a room full of strangers.

The addicted2success.com website describes some proven steps on how to connect with anyone.


This is easy: you just need to identify what the other person is interested in. It might be a hobby, movies, jewellery, some distinctive personal attributes or rare items. Try to guess what is important to others and be curious about what it means to them. Ideally, you will manage to identify something you both have in common. That is then excellent for quickly building rapport.

Ask questions, but don’t be too pushy 

When you start asking questions, remember to make eye contact and smile. You need to show interest but at the same time be relaxed. If we sense someone is trying to force the conversation, we soon start feeling uncomfortable.

Create questions based on who, what, when, where and how. That makes it easy to start telling a story about oneself.


Once you have asked enough questions, you will have a general idea about the person you are talking to. Now use this information and connect with them. Mention life circumstances that you share. Tell them what in their story touched you emotionally. Be genuine. Let them know they connected with you. Show enthusiasm; tell them you would like to do something they have done.


Keep the conversation going by talking about other things you might have in common. Every extra thing you share will strengthen the bond between you.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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