4 ways to use LinkedIn in the most effective way


Do you use LinedIn? Are you sure you are using it fully? This social site is a great tool for managing your business contacts. If you use it effectively and correctly, it can give you much more than you think. Inc.com described the best way to use LinkedIn.

1) Profile picture

The person looking at your profile, sees your photo first. If you use a selfie or a holiday snap, it gives the wrong impression. Neither is no photo profile a good idea. Do not forget, first you are selling yourself, then your company, product or service. The best way is to have a professional take a semi-formal photo. Use this photo on your profile and your blog.

2) Regular updating

It is difficult to stay contact with all the people you meet during your career, the easiest way is to use LinkedIn. It should be easy for your contacts to contact you. So do not forget to regularly update your phone numbers and other important information.

3) Before the first contact, do research

Make sure that you contact only those who you can really help. Before you contact anyone, find out some information about them. Help can be defined as providing information, products or services which may be useful to a company or an individual. You can provide information for free and it may yield returns later. Avoid messaging your competitors, because they can learn about your business strategy which is obviously very disadvantageous for you.

4) Publish and read only information important to you

If you want to be seen, publish only content which has a real value for your audience. There is no point to sharing too much. Also do not forget to read posts from your contacts, so you can stay in contact with individuals as well as with your industry. Do not be concerned about information which is not relevant for you.

If you are interested in less traditional tips, read 10 surprising recommendations on how to use LinkedIn.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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