10x1 minute to increase your productivity


Recently, we wrote about the Canadian Chris Bailey who had spent a year of his life trying to become as productive as possible. We learned the general conclusions about productivity he made in a series of practical experiments within his project called A Year of Productivity. Now you can read more tips for effective time management anybody can implement. "Every single thing in this list will take you less than one minute to implement into your life, but the results of each can be incredible," said Chris Bailey.

1. Reject three things

Start by rejecting three things to do a week which drain your time, energy and motivation. Unnecessary promises to do something for somebody else may be an example.

2. Turn off notifications for incoming e-mails

The vast majority of e-mails do not have to be answered immediately. You only lose your concentration. Turn off the notifications both on your computer and phone. Try to limit the number of times you check e-mail during the day.

3. Make a list of things you are waiting for

It will help you to retain the information and, at the same time, you will not feel stressed because you may have forgotten something.

4. Follow the rule of two minutes

If you can do something in two minutes (for example respond to an e-mail), do it now. Other tasks schedule for later.

5. Set three outcomes you want to achieve today

These are not tasks you need to do, but what you want to achieve at work.

6. Use the Pomodoro technique

This technique involves intense concentration on one specific task in time blocks of 25 minutes divided by 3-4 minute breaks. A pause of 15-20 minutes should follow after every fourth 25 minute block.

7. Find out what restores you energy

Choose one activity that will always restores your energy and motivation and add it to your daily to-do list. It can be a workout, a lunch with colleagues, etc.

8. Take more breaks

Breaks will help you calm down, renew your energy, and create new ideas. Even a one-minute break can boost your productivity.

9. Measure the time you spend on the computer

Download an application, such as RescueTime, that will  show how and for how long you were working on your computer. Each week you will be sent a report about your productivity.

10. Determine specific steps to finish something you have been procrastinating

Pick one thing and focus on the next possible step and follow through. Once you have a clearer idea, the task will be easier for you to finish.


Article source Lifehack - tips to help improve all aspects of your life
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