Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to succeed in forming a new habit

If you want to form a new habit – something which will somehow help you in your life – you need to…

Finish on time: both audience and organiser will appreciate it

Many people feel frustrated when a speaker overruns. You should respect your audience’s time.

Morning routines to change your days into the best of your life

Be sure to drink some water. Have a good workout in order to feel better. Start your day with…

3 reasons why you feel you don't manage time wisely

Time management is a necessary skill for all ambitious and active workers. Many people, however,…

Be productive while you wait

Most people will know what life is like if you get caught up in what seems like an endless cycle of…

Assessing your own productivity

There is more than one way of calculating a worker’s maximum productivity, based on such factors as…

Starting a business: You need to spend money to make money

Especially when you are just starting a business, you will probably want to keep expenses as low as…

To have the life you want, you need a strategy

Everyone wants to be successful. Many people have a specific goal: they want to be rich, successful…

Brian Tracy: Being busy does not mean being productive

Every now and then you need a little time for relaxation in order to be much more productive once…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 212