Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Project management in the shadow of the global financial crisis

What impact had the global financial crisis of the recent years on the development of project…

5 questions for your sales team

A sales team manager should regularly communicate with his people about what prevents them from…

How to establish your business in Asia

If you want to expand your business into Asia and succeed in a local market, choose a segment of a…

How to train salespeople

Companies do not often get back their investments in sales training. Even cooperation with leading…

What does make a good CMO?

Successful CMOs have certain common characteristics. Customerthink.com summarized ten most…

Forbes: Ten rules of successful business in China

1. Prepare thoroughly Do not enter China just because your competitors do or because you are…

How come 50% of your customers just disappear?

Recent survey by Bain & Co. showed that most companies loose about half of their customers in…

Unnecessary mistakes in business plans

To write a good business plan you should know the basic assumption of business planning - it is not…

Networking is about offering help

The purpose of networking is to establish contacts with people who can bring us business…

Listing 235 to 243 out of 246