Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Study: Investing in artificial intelligence to boost revenues and employment

Companies risk missing the main growth opportunities if their leadership doesn't immediately take…

The global economy in 2018: Bright prospects

In 2017, the global economy was the best it has been in the last six years. A similar rate of growth…

Study: Global gender gap in 2017

The past 11 years, during which the World Economic Forum has been measuring the gender gap in the…

2 key problems of today blockchain can solve

The authors of a book entitled Competing Against Luck emphasise that if you want to come up with…

What will happen when we no loger have to work?

Intelligent machines change and improve our lives in many ways. However, given the rapid development…

Artificial intelligence: the greatest business opportunity

$15.7 trillion. This is the value that global GDP will reach by 2030 thanks to the development of…

6 steps to tackle the upcoming industrial revolution (2/2)

In the first part of the article on the incoming 4th Industrial Revolution and the related changes …

6 steps to tackle the upcoming industrial revolution (1/2)

We're facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution which will affect millions of jobs and change the very…

Leaders who are needed for Africa’s dream of a better future

Africa has a problem connected to rapid growth. Its middle class population is the fastest growing…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 77