Four steps for creating an environment where employees perform at their peak

A team manager has one crucial task: to create an environment for their team that makes all subordinates feel safe and at ease so they can perform at their best. But how to create such an environment? Here is some advice on how to achieve it in four steps.


Do not neglect communication with individual employees

According to, healthy, open and friendly communication is the basis for any healthy and motivating work environment. Ensure you never neglect this area. Communicate openly with subordinates, encourage healthy communication between employees too, and be sure to set aside enough time for each of your subordinates to talk to you regularly about their concerns, ideas and the issues they are currently dealing with.

Build an atmosphere where people are not afraid to talk about uncomfortable topics

Related to the first point is the issue of uncomfortable topics. An effective team where a friendly atmosphere exists can never be created if lurking under the surface there are unspoken issues no one wants to address. Teach your team to talk even about awkward topics such as doubts, stress, fears, frustrations or dissatisfaction. This will make it much easier for employees to share their problems with you. And you will be able to deal effectively with complications, such as impending burnout, before they become too big to handle.

Encourage constructive criticism, even towards your own leadership style

Constructive and positive criticism and feedback are essential to the development of the entire team. Your subordinates should be able to communicate criticism and comments to one other so that there are no disagreements, and everyone knows where their own weaknesses are and what they are doing well. But to reach that state in the team, you have to allow subordinates to direct this criticism at yourself as well.

Do not tolerate any toxic behaviour

Last but not least, it is imperative that from your position as a manager you curb any manifestations of toxic behaviour. You must nip in the bud any bullying, workaholism, discrimination or unhealthy competition and make it clear to everyone that such behaviour has no place in your team.


Article source Business Know-How - U.S. website focused on small and home business
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