Develop your team by motivating employees to learn from their mistakes

Every manager, including you, wants a team consisting of independently working, productive and constantly developing employees. One of the skills your subordinates should work on is learning from their own mistakes. You as the team manager should create such a working environment in which small mistakes are tolerated and employees are motivated to work with them in a constructive manner. But what should this learning process look like in reality? And how should you yourself behave when dealing with your own mistakes and wanting to serve as a role model to team members? Here are three steps you should take after some mistake so as to make constructive use of the mishap.


Put emotions aside

As Forbes states, the first step is to look at the whole event from a wider perspective, getting rid of your own emotions, such as frustration, disappointment or sadness, and viewing the whole matter rationally. Try to assess the situation in an objective, analytical manner; find where the mistake occurred and where you should have behaved differently.

Analyse the whole situation from beginning to end

In your analysis of the mistake, do not focus only on the moment when it occurred. Take into consideration everything that led up to it, what the circumstances were and what happened immediately afterwards. In order to be able to learn from the situation and find a solution that will prevent any repetition, you have to understand the overall context of how the mistake arose and not treat it as some isolated, unrelated event.

Do not hesitate to consult an expert

If you have evaluated the situation and gathered all the relevant data, it is now time to come up with a practical and specific solution that will prevent a reoccurrence. You could even approach an expert concerning this issue. This person might be, for example, a subordinate from your team who is knowledgeable about the given topic, or an external expert, or another colleague who is an expert in the field.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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