Five simple tips on how to have more satisfied employees

A happy employee is more productive, loyal and hard-working than their unhappy peers. A satisfied worker is also more resilient towards stress and at less risk of burning out. Therefore, this article looks at the simple steps you can take in order to have more satisfied and productive employees in your team.


Considering employees' opinions

The basic tool in having satisfied employees is a willingness to listen to their ideas. Learn what employees think, do not be afraid of interaction and, when making strategic decisions, give proper consideration to the opinions of the regular members of your team.

Appreciating good work

As Business2Community states, employees above all want their work to be appreciated. It often happens that the manager is praised for their work but similar praise frequently never reaches those who actually played a role in a successful project. Be fair, do not ascribe employees' successes to yourself and appreciate the work of truly relevant people.

Home office and flexible working hours

A less financially demanding benefit but one workers value greatly is flexible working hours and remote working. Establish parameters so that employees are not forced to beg their managers in order to enjoy these benefits, which then bring them more stress than joy.

Transparent system of bonuses

Rewards should motivate employees to give better results, not frustrate them. Be completely transparent when it comes to rewards and do not allow employees to envy one another or frustration and dissatisfaction to develop.

Engaging team members in the decision making processes

The decision making processes in your company should take place in the presence of regular team members, especially if the given decision closely affects individual employees. There is nothing more frustrating than decisions about you being made without your having any way of influencing them.



Article source - open community for business professionals
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